Health Freedom Events

Join us on January 13th as we bring in the 2022 legislative session and rally to HOLD THE LINE against vaccine mandates and all forms of discrimination based on vaccine status.

While legal warriors fight these injustices on the judicial front, we must continue the battle on the home-front through our legislative branch to stop vaccine mandates and discriminatory policies both now and for future generations to come.

It ends now! It ends with #WeThePeople!

Come out to hear our champion legislators speak about the legislation they have filed to preserve individual liberty and freedom and participate in our legislative branch like never before!

We love making things easy for you and this event will be no different! All you have to do is SHOW UP and we will have everything you need to do the rest. And here's the fun part - there's going to be a scavenger hunt that comes with prizes for the winners AND helps us in our efforts to lobby for HB31!

SHARE this event.
INVITE all of your friends/family to join us!
MAKE PLANS right now to be there and stand in the gap with us to #HoldTheLine!

 Are you ready to RISE UP against vaccine mandates in the workplace? It's time to make our presence known in Montgomery and rattle the walls of the Alabama State House with the message of FREEDOM and LIBERTY!

JOIN US as we encircle the State House in prayer and peacefully protest vaccine mandates.

BE EMPOWERED by your fellow Alabamians as we stand together to DARE DEFEND OUR RIGHTS!

BRING FRIENDS AND SIGNS! Sharing is caring and we're in this together!

After we are done making our "Jericho" walk around the State House, we encourage everyone to go meet with your state representative and senator. We also encourage you to call before Thursday to schedule this meeting ahead of time to ensure you have time to speak with your legislators. Find their contact information at

We will provide attendees with a talking points document to help you discuss these important issues with confidence.