Dear Fellow Freedom Fighter,



The Alabama Department of Public Health has submitted a statement regarding the proposed rule change set for a public hearing on Dec. 13th.


ADPH states that their rule change proposal, as it pertains to COVID, will loosen the restrictions on the disease reporting notification requirements to include only those living in “congregate living facilities” and that it does not apply to everyone. 


The bad news is that ADPH defines “congregate living facilities” as:

“A facility where persons reside and share common spaces with other residents. Congregate living facilities can include, but are not limited to, residential care facilities, assisted living facilities, intermediate care facilities, skilled nursing facilities, jails, prisons, shelters, mental health facilities, dormitories, and resident summer camps.”


This rule change would still apply to your children who go away to church camp for the week or your mother who needs to spend a couple of days at a rehab hospital after a bad fall. 


These draconian tracking measures would haunt your grandparents who are in assisted living homes potentially giving them a death sentence by isolation once again. 


The mother and her children who land at a shelter after fleeing an abusive husband will not only have to worry about her abusive spouse tracking her down but now, she must worry about ADPH tracking her as well. 


Your college student living in the dorms would also be under the thumb of our state public health minions.


Scott Harris, the State Health Officer, wants you to believe that these actions are justified because the people who will fall under these mandatory reporting notifications will be a smaller portion of our population. But a loss of liberty for one is a loss of liberty for all!


Health Freedom Alabama maintains that loosening of these rules does not go far enough! COVID test results should not wield ANY power over ANY of the citizens of Alabama no matter where they live.


We must eject the authority of ADPH and Scott Harris from our lives forever or Alabama will be doomed to repeat the atrocities inflicted upon our personal liberties like we saw over the last several years.


Please continue to contact ADPH and tell them to remove ALL COVID notification requirements and end this madness FOREVER.


Read on to see the ALERT



On December 13, 2023, the Alabama Department of Public Health wants to pass rules to track you and COVID FOREVER. Read on to see how you can stop them!

This is an ALL HANDS ON DECK situation! We need your help!

Scott Harris, the AL State Health Officer, and his minions at the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) are holding a public hearing to propose rule changes, that carry the weight of law, which would keep the coronavirus on the list of MANDATORY reportable infections in the state.

What will this do?

If passed, this rule would continue to REQUIRE (under penalty of arrest, imprisonment, and fine) EVERY physician, dentist, nurse, medical examiner, hospital administrator, nursing home administrator, laboratory director, school principal and childcare center/Head Start director to report a positive COVID test or even a presumed positive diagnosis (without a test) to the ADPH headquarters within 24 hours.

Reports to ADPH SHALL include, at a minimum, the following personal information about YOU:

·    Name

·    DOB

·    Race

·    Address

·    Phone Numbers

·    Health Condition

·    Date of Infection

·    Lab Result

·    Date of Diagnosis

The state could even require that these mandated health reporters submit more data about you in a supplemental report including vaccination status or private information about your family and children.

We saw the horrifying repercussions of constant COVID testing reports over the past several years. The state health bureaucrats slammed us with daily numbers and manipulated the “data” to keep our state under lock down which killed jobs, shut businesses, ended careers, closed churches, shuttered schools, masked our kids and isolated our loved ones in hospitals and nursing homes.

Your freedom is at stake!

Having a case of COVID could subject you to arrest, forced testing and treatment as well as quarantine and contact tracing rules if Scott Harris gets his way with this freedom grabbing attempt.

Since Scott Harris couldn’t get legislation passed to digitally track you and your vaccine compliance, he wants to use the administrative code against you to accomplish the same goal and get around the law making process.

If he is successful in passing these rules he will use these numbers against the citizenry of Alabama and could even turn your information over to Biden’s corrupt CDC.


What can you do?

We need you to SHOW UP at the hearing in Montgomery and sign up to speak against this rule change.

Our health freedom fighters are no stranger to standing strong against the debacle of ADPH’s crazy COVID policies and it is time that they hear from you again!

The public hearing will be:

·    Wednesday, December 13, 2023 @ 9:00 AM.

·    RSA Tower - Alabama Department of Public Health

Training Room 982

201 Monroe St. Montgomery, AL.

Make sure to arrive early to secure metered street side parking.

You can read the proposed ADPH rule changes here: Health, Department of Public – Repeal and Replace Chapter 420-4-1 Proposal

Make no mistake. Your input and participation are paramount to stopping this attack on our personal liberties and health freedoms.

If you are unable to attend in person, please email your comment standing against this rule change to: and make sure to BCC us at

Simply tell ADPH (feel free to copy and paste):

I am adamantly opposed to keeping Coronavirus (to include COVID 19 or any other variant) on the notifiable disease list in chapter 420-4-1 of the ADPH administrative code.

Furthermore, ALL COVID required notifications should end completely for all citizens of Alabama.

Please be advised that this is my official comment regarding this proposed rule change which is set for a public hearing on December 13, 2023.

I insist that my statement of opposition be added to the public record prior to the close of the comment period on January 4, 2024.

Please respond to my email with a simple “received and noted” to indicate that my opposition has been logged into the record for public comment.


Your Name & County

If you are able to attend the public hearing in person, we encourage you to stay after the meeting and join us outside on the steps of the RSA Tower building for an update on the fight for health freedom in Alabama.

Finally, contact your legislators today! Tell them to call Scott Harris and demand that he put a stop to this rule change proposal right away. Then, insist that your legislator work to reign in the powers of the State Health Officer by fighting to pass legislation that makes his position one that is appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate.

Please forward this important information to all of your friends who are interested in putting a stop to this corrupt agency that is still pushing the Biden COVID agenda.

Thank you for all that you do to stand up and protect health freedom in Alabama.

For Freedom,

Stephanie Durnin & Kaycee Cavender

Health Freedom Alabama Co-Directors

PS: Have you signed the petition yet to stop discrimination based on your vaccination status? Don’t let Scott Harris and the Big Pharma politicians get away with shackling your freedoms. Sign the petition TODAY!

PPS: If you appreciate the work we are doing to keep you up to date on the health freedom fights in our state (like this one), can you chip in $5, $10 or $25 to help out? Your support for Health Freedom Alabama is appreciated so much!


Take Action To Pass A Law To Stop Mask Mandates on our Children Once & For All